Today's app is Music Theory Basics by Patrick Q. Kelly:
Music Theory Basics - Patrick Q. Kelly ( Suite of modules to help test basic music skills at an advanced level; covers Notes, Keys, Intervals, and Chords in all four clefs (Treble, Alto, Tenor, and Bass); set how many questions there are in the quiz (one to fifty); set the option to only grade the questions answered; work in ink on paper or chalk on a chalkboard; timer to record how long it takes to finish the quiz; Notes - Ear Training: hide the staff or keyboard showing the requested pitch; set the quiz note range from zero to nine ledger lines above and below the selected staff; up to three tries to get the correct answer; notate the pitch that is played on the piano; play the written note using the piano keyboard; Modes and Key Signatures: test knowledge of modes as well as major and minor keys; set a maximum number of sharps or flat to work on; interface to select the answer; Intervals - Compound/Simple: set how the question is asked; play the interval harmonically, melodically moving up, or melodically moving down; option to have the intervals given with random root notes within the set range or set what the root will be for the following interval; intervals covered are diminished, major, minor, perfect, and augmented; Chords: set how the question is asked; play the chord normally, rolling up, or rolling down; set a random root movement or set the root during the quiz; all seventh types are covered; test without the sound for work on identifying the chords by sight alone just listen to the qualities; Rhythms: polyrhythms are one or two lines of rhythms sounding simultaneously; select the specific combination of note values to include in the test rhythms: Whole, Half, Quarter, Eighth, Dotted Half, Dotted Quarter, Triplet Half, Triplet Quarter, and Triplet Eighths; set the length from four to thirty-two beats of the test rhythm; include or exclude grading durations of note values; include or exclude using rests in the rhythms; select from one to three pads/pitches notated above, below, and on each or the lines; select a range of tempo from approximately 30 to 120 bpm; listen to the rhythms before playing; use the timer to set an amount of time to work on a specific skill; enter the student’s name either in the module itself or in each of the module setup preferences pages; all the modules allow the user to set the number of tries to answer each question; enter the student’s name and it passes between the modules, recording the scores in each one as well as the final combined grades tab; teacher can see how students have done in each area; access to list can be locked and unlocked within the app using a password set in the iPad’s main settings app; (iOS 5.0 or later).
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