Today's app is the Classic FM app:
Classic FM ( Listen to the world’s greatest classical music; includes pictures, news stories, and info on every piece played; listen to favorite composers, artists, and shows with live radio stream; listen to live radio on the move in high quality; look at related images, news, and videos for any song currently playing; latest classical music news; share the piece that is currently playing or download it on iTunes; view picture galleries of favorite artists; browse the week’s schedule; stream audio to AirPlay device; listen to favorite shows from the past week (iPad only); contains big, full-screen images of artists; uses unique identifiers to improve experience; (iOS 6.0 or later).
Today's app is the Classical KUSC app:
Classical KUSC ( One of the largest and most listened to classical public radio stations in the country; dedicated to making classical music and the arts an important part of people’s lives; located in downtown Los Angeles, KUSC has been a broadcast service of the University of Southern California since 1947; (iOS 5.0 or later). Today's app is the Classical Masterpieces app:
Classical Masterpieces ( Сollection of twenty masterpieces of classical music; full biography of all composers with Facebook sharing; listen to music everywhere without an Internet connection; high-quality format; all compositions are performed by well-known musicians and orchestras; over 150 pieces after upgrade; includes masterpieces of classical music by eighteen of the greatest composers; CD quality sound; AirPlay, remote control; background playback; playlists; (iOS 5.0 or later). Last week we focused on Music Theory Apps. This week we will focus on Classical Music Apps. The first one I will introduce is the Classical Archives App:
Classical Archives ( Large collection of classical music; play/stream works of classical music through queuing player; unique classification system developed by expert musicologists; three modes include: 1) “The Library” where user can select from all the performances of a work in a large collection of recordings organized by composer, category, and composition; includes an immediate list of “The Greats” (composers) and their works, or search for any composer or performer by name; long-tap on one of them to either add it to the player’s queue, add it to a playlist, or view and play the entire album it came from; a short tap on a performance sends it immediately to the player or its queue if something is already playing; 2) “Must Know” where the user will be guided to appreciate the most important composers and works of classical music through their latest released recordings; search by composers or by a combination of Period including Baroque, Classical, Romantic, etc. and Genre including Orchestral, Chamber, Solo, Stage, etc.; 3) “Playlists” where user can play suggested playlists or build and play their own; subscribers have unlimited access to play entire tracks, complete works, or albums including operas and multi-CD collections; non-subscribers hear one-minute clips of each track; (iOS 6.0 or later; Android 2.3.3 and up). Today's app is the Music Theory Pro app:
Music Theory Pro ( App challenges by testing knowledge; covers note names, key signatures, intervals, chords, and ear training; adjust level of difficulty by tapping on gear button and customizing question topics; test is timed; tap the question mark button to review concepts; post scores; identify by sight Note Names, Key Signatures, Intervals, and Chords; identify by ear Tempos, Intervals, Chords, and Scales; requires at least some music theory knowledge; learn through a series of quizzes; (iOS 6.0 or later). Today's app is Music Theory Basics by Patrick Q. Kelly:
Music Theory Basics - Patrick Q. Kelly ( Suite of modules to help test basic music skills at an advanced level; covers Notes, Keys, Intervals, and Chords in all four clefs (Treble, Alto, Tenor, and Bass); set how many questions there are in the quiz (one to fifty); set the option to only grade the questions answered; work in ink on paper or chalk on a chalkboard; timer to record how long it takes to finish the quiz; Notes - Ear Training: hide the staff or keyboard showing the requested pitch; set the quiz note range from zero to nine ledger lines above and below the selected staff; up to three tries to get the correct answer; notate the pitch that is played on the piano; play the written note using the piano keyboard; Modes and Key Signatures: test knowledge of modes as well as major and minor keys; set a maximum number of sharps or flat to work on; interface to select the answer; Intervals - Compound/Simple: set how the question is asked; play the interval harmonically, melodically moving up, or melodically moving down; option to have the intervals given with random root notes within the set range or set what the root will be for the following interval; intervals covered are diminished, major, minor, perfect, and augmented; Chords: set how the question is asked; play the chord normally, rolling up, or rolling down; set a random root movement or set the root during the quiz; all seventh types are covered; test without the sound for work on identifying the chords by sight alone just listen to the qualities; Rhythms: polyrhythms are one or two lines of rhythms sounding simultaneously; select the specific combination of note values to include in the test rhythms: Whole, Half, Quarter, Eighth, Dotted Half, Dotted Quarter, Triplet Half, Triplet Quarter, and Triplet Eighths; set the length from four to thirty-two beats of the test rhythm; include or exclude grading durations of note values; include or exclude using rests in the rhythms; select from one to three pads/pitches notated above, below, and on each or the lines; select a range of tempo from approximately 30 to 120 bpm; listen to the rhythms before playing; use the timer to set an amount of time to work on a specific skill; enter the student’s name either in the module itself or in each of the module setup preferences pages; all the modules allow the user to set the number of tries to answer each question; enter the student’s name and it passes between the modules, recording the scores in each one as well as the final combined grades tab; teacher can see how students have done in each area; access to list can be locked and unlocked within the app using a password set in the iPad’s main settings app; (iOS 5.0 or later). Today's app is the Music Theory App by Musicopolous:
Musicopoulos Music Theory App ( Combines structured music theory lessons with matching exercises; subjects include: Introduction to Intervals, Introduction to Scales, Circle of Fourths and Fifths, Key Signatures, Diatonic Intervals, Major Chords, Diatonic Intervals Continued, Relative Minor Scale, Inverted Major Chords, Chords Continued, Descending Intervals, Chromatic Intervals, Diatonic Chords, Harmonic Minor Scale, Melodic Minor Scale, Inverted Intervals, Major 7th Chords, Minor 7th Chords, Dominant 7th Chords, Major 6th Chords, Pentatonic Scale, Minor Pentatonic Scale, and Modes; comes with a default piano sample that will help develop ears and musical knowledge; other instrument choices include: Piano, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Violin, Viola, and Cello; understanding music theory helps user become a better musician; (iOS 6.1 or later). Today's app is the fun Treble Clef Kids series by Christian Larsen Music:
Treble Clef Kids ( Learn to read music and master the basics of music theory with the Treble Clef Kids lesson series; tutorial apps for learning and practicing important sight reading and musicianship skills; fun, interactive, and educational way for kids and adults to learn the basics of music theory; exposure to music correlates to better performance in school and in life; simple and effective music theory application; learn basic musicianship skills in a logical, guided way, progressively building through the applications; practice and performance modes; interactive playing of the piano encourages students to seek the correct answer through the sound of applause while providing quirky sounds for wrong answers without penalty; (iOS 4.2 or later). Today's app is one of the first apps I discovered. Note-A-Later is a great way for students to learn note names and more:
Note-A-Lator ( Improve music reading and theory skills; make and print customizable quizzes on Note Identification, Rhythm Identification, Key Signature Identification, Scale/Modes Identification, Chord Identification, and Interval Identification; (iOS 5.1 or later). Today's app is the companion app to yesterday's Theory Lessons app, the Tenuto app:
Tenuto ( Twelve customizable exercises designed to enhance musicality; four musical calculators for accidentals, intervals, chords, and analysis symbols; staff-based exercises include: Note Identification - identify the displayed note; Key Signature Identification - identify the displayed key signature; Interval Identification - identify the displayed interval; Chord Identification - identify the displayed chord; Keyboard-based Exercises: Keyboard Identification - identify the note name of the piano key; Keyboard Reverse Identification - identify the note by pressing a piano key; Keyboard Interval Identification - identify the interval of the highlighted piano keys; Keyboard Chord Identification - identify the chord of the highlighted piano keys; Fretboard-based Exercises: Fretboard Identification - identify the note name of the marked position; Ear Training Exercises: Interval Ear Training - listen to the played interval and identify its type; Scale Ear Training - listen to the played scale and identify its type; Chord Ear Training - listen to the played chord and identify its type; Calculators: Accidental Calculator - display the accidental for a note and key; Interval Calculator - display the interval for a note, type, and key; Chord Calculator - display the chord for a note, type, and key; Analysis Calculator - display the chord for a symbol and key; (iOS 5.1 or later). |
January 2025
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